Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dazed and Confused

"You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N."

Dazed and Confused is a great movie in general. It actually has a lot of actors that have become extremely popular since it came out in 1993.

The movie is about the last day of school in Texas in 1976. It has the whole shabangs from upperclassmen harrasing and beating the underclassmen to a kegger in the woods. The movie follows the last day of school until the next morning, where summer has officially begun. Not only do the senior boys haze the incoming freshman, the senior girls even haze the incoming freshmen as well.

The movie does a good job of going into what highschool was like in the 70's. Even though the movie takes place over about a 24 hour span, it never gets boring or slow. I quote this movie once in a while because it is still histerical to me. There is talk going around about a "sequel" similar to this movie but who knows if it's true. Great Comedy Movie #4- Dazed and Confused.

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